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Ensuring Authenticity: How to Identify Genuine Nissan Spare Parts from BS Auto Supplies


In the fast-paced world of automotive maintenance, the authenticity of spare parts is crucial to ensure the longevity, performance, and safety of your vehicle. This is particularly important for renowned brands like Nissan, which are known for their reliability and performance. BS Auto Supplies, a trusted name in the Indian Automotive Spare Parts market, is committed to providing genuine parts that meet the highest standards. This blog will guide you through the importance of using genuine Nissan spare parts and how to identify them.

The Importance of Using Genuine Nissan Spare Parts

Optimal Performance

Nissan vehicles are designed with precision engineering to deliver top-notch performance. Genuine Nissan Parts from BS Auto Supplies are crafted to fit and function perfectly with your vehicle's existing systems. Using non-genuine parts can compromise this performance, leading to subpar driving experiences and potential mechanical issues.

Safety Assurance

Safety is paramount when it comes to automotive parts. Genuine Nissan parts undergo rigorous testing to meet safety standards. Counterfeit parts, on the other hand, may not meet these standards, posing a risk to both the driver and passengers. Authentic parts from BS Auto Supplies ensure that your vehicle operates safely, reducing the risk of accidents caused by part failures.

Durability and Longevity

Genuine Nissan parts are made from high-quality materials designed to withstand the wear and tear of daily use. This durability translates to a longer lifespan for both the parts and the vehicle itself. In contrast, counterfeit parts are often made from inferior materials that degrade quickly, leading to more frequent replacements and higher long-term costs.

Warranty Protection

Using genuine parts helps maintain your vehicle’s warranty. Many manufacturers, including Nissan, may void warranties if non-genuine parts are used. This means that investing in genuine parts from BS Auto Supplies not only ensures quality but also protects your warranty, saving you from potential future expenses.

How to Identify Genuine Nissan Spare Parts

Check the Packaging

One of the simplest ways to identify genuine Nissan parts is through their packaging. Genuine parts come in branded packaging that features the Nissan logo, part numbers, and sometimes holographic stickers for added security. If the packaging appears unbranded or lacks these identifiers, it may be counterfeit.

Verify Part Numbers

Each genuine Nissan part has a unique part number. You can verify this number through Nissan’s official parts catalog or the BS Auto Supplies website. Matching the part number with the official records ensures that you are getting an authentic product designed specifically for your vehicle.

Look for Quality Marks and Holograms

Nissan often includes quality marks or holograms on their genuine parts to prevent counterfeiting. These marks can be checked against official Nissan documentation. A missing or tampered hologram is a red flag that the part may not be genuine.

Purchase from Authorized Dealers

Buying from authorized dealers like BS Auto Supplies guarantees that you are getting genuine Nissan parts. Authorized dealers adhere to strict guidelines and receive their stock directly from the manufacturer, ensuring the authenticity and quality of the parts they sell.

Examine the Physical Part

Genuine parts should match the original in terms of design, material, and finish. Any discrepancies in these areas can indicate a counterfeit product. Compare the new part with the original or a verified genuine part to spot any differences that might signal a fake.


While it might be tempting to go for cheaper alternatives, significantly lower prices can be a sign of counterfeit parts. Genuine Nissan parts come with a price tag that reflects their quality and reliability. If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is.

The Role of BS Auto Supplies in the Spare Parts Industry

Trusted Supplier

BS Auto Supplies has built a reputation in the Indian Spare Parts market for providing genuine and high-quality automotive parts. Their commitment to authenticity and customer satisfaction makes them a reliable source for Nissan Parts.

Extensive Inventory

With a wide range of spare parts available, BS Auto Supplies caters to various needs, ensuring that customers can find the exact part they need for their Nissan vehicles. Their extensive inventory covers everything from engine components to body parts, all verified for authenticity.

Customer Education

BS Auto Supplies places a strong emphasis on educating customers about the importance of using genuine parts. Through informative content and customer service, they help vehicle owners understand how to identify genuine parts and the risks associated with counterfeit products.

Technological Advancements

Incorporating advanced technologies like QR codes and block chain for part verification, BS Auto Supplies is at the forefront of combating counterfeit parts in the Spare Parts Industry. These technologies provide an additional layer of security, allowing customers to verify the authenticity of their purchases easily.

Best Practices for Nissan Parts Fitment

Follow Manufacturer Guidelines

Always follow the guidelines provided by Nissan for parts fitment. This ensures that the parts are installed correctly and function as intended. Incorrect fitment can lead to part failures and safety issues.

Use Professional Services

For parts fitment, it is advisable to use professional services. Authorized service centers have trained technicians who understand the intricacies of Nissan vehicles and can ensure that the parts are fitted correctly.

Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance using genuine parts is key to keeping your Nissan vehicle in top condition. This includes timely replacements and inspections to prevent potential issues from escalating.

Keep Detailed Records

Maintain records of all parts replacements and services. This not only helps in tracking the maintenance history but also enhances the resale value of your vehicle. Detailed records indicating the use of genuine parts reflect better care and reliability.



Using genuine Nissan parts from BS Auto Supplies ensures the optimal performance, safety, and longevity of your vehicle. By following the guidelines outlined above, you can identify and verify the authenticity of Nissan parts, protecting your investment and enhancing your driving experience. In the broader context of the Indian Auto motive Spare Parts market, BS Auto Supplies stands out as a reliable source of genuine parts, committed to quality and customer satisfaction.

Next time you need to replace a part, choose genuine Nissan Parts from BS Auto Supplies to keep your vehicle running smoothly and safely. Trust only authorized dealers and stay informed about the latest developments in the Spare Parts Industry. Your vehicle deserves the best, and with genuine Nissan parts, you can ensure it gets the quality it needs.


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