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Five Car Maintenance Tips (And Why It's a Good Idea)


We all have that feeling, you know the one - it's the one making us think we should check the car before going on that drive. It makes us second guess that rattle, squeak, squeal, or rumble we hear from the engine. Those noises or movements that feel out of the ordinary in our daily drive.

That's why it is so important to pay attention to the overall health of the car because doing this gives you insight into the little things without having to worry about all the little things individually.

To help with this, we have put together a list of the TOP 5 easiest and most important things you can do to keep an eye on your car:

Tyres Tyres Tyres

Yep. Really.

Your tyres are the connection between you and the road. They keep you safe and heading in the right direction, so it is very important that you pay attention to any tread, marks, or objects that could be impacting the performance of your tyres.

See that nail poking out? No thread on the back left? Is the right front making a noise?

These are all signs that you should either get the tyres looked at by a professional or if you're handy, take a look at them yourself. Problems with your tyres can be symptomatic of a larger issue with the steering, driving, or turning mechanics of your car.

So, instead of paying attention to every little thing comprising the steering, driving, or turning mechanics, look at your tyres and let them be your guide.

Well Oiled Machine                                                 

Everything moves better when you give it a little attention. Ever do something just for heart health? Maybe you use a multivitamin or a fiber supplement to keep everything running smoothly.

It's the same principle for your car's engine and the oil inside.

In other words, keep it running well and you'll have a better ride, more performance, and less trouble down the road. It is important to check not only the level of your oil (the best way to do this is to check the level yourself using the dipstick directly on the engine) but also to make sure your oil is worth keeping. Trouble from this can be felt in a heap of different ways, but keeping an eye on the oil will help you notice if there are any leaks, if is it burning any oil, and whether things need a change overall.

The basics here: Check the level and check if it's dirty.

Keep Your Eyes Clear

This one might seem obvious.


It's true.

Keeping your windscreen wipers in good working order is one of the best things you can do for the health of your car. Put another way, if you can't see where you're going and you run into something, hit something, or brush past something, your car is going to need some maintenance.

So, make sure your wiper blades are fresh and ready to go.

Is It Bright Outside

Yeah, another easy one.

But seriously. Keep an eye on your headlights and tail lights - it is very important.

Tail lights provide vital information to cars and pedestrians behind you on what you're doing and where you're going. Headlights help you see where you're heading, and they give others a heads-up that you're coming.

Basically, without these working it can be a very difficult time on the road, and not to mention be illegal depending on your area. The best thing to do here is give your lights a check to see that everything is working correctly. Not only will this give you peace of mind, but it can also help point out electrical faults if something is going wrong with your wiring.

So - check the lights are working, you'll thank us later.

Keep It Clean
It could be a little dated, but like one of Sascha Baron Cohen's characters used to say: Keep It Clean.

Or it might've been a little different. Either way, it was something like that and it is definitely what you need to be doing with your car.

Keeping the car clean is one of the easiest and best ways to spot larger problems. That's because we don't just mean the kid's toys on the back seat (although yeah, it would probably help to keep that area clean as well), but we do mean washing the car and ensuring the engine bay is tidy.

Doing this doesn't take much but it will benefit you in the long run because having a clean car helps spot problems, helps identify problems, and helps solve problems.

TLDR; Keep It Clean - Or Real ... whichever works.


Yep, you might be getting the picture already, but we are going to spell it out:

It's just easier to keep an eye on these 5 things.

The next time you're at the mechanic or looking for a replacement part, remember how easy it is to keep up on the maintenance by following these tips.

In the long run, it will save you stress, money, and time.

Just like shopping here with us at BS Auto Supplies will save you time, money, and stress.

Get in touch with us via or 1-866-900-9366 if you can't find what you're after or you need a hand figuring out what you need!


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